Keep Up with Routine Cleanings with Your Dentist near Mossville IL

Having a healthy smile can go extremely far, allowing people to have a smile that lasts a lifetime. But there are necessary steps that people should take in order to ensure that their teeth and gums are strong and long-lasting. It can be difficult to find a dentist in your area that's dedicated to providing top dental care for you and your family, which is why your professionals here at J.S. Whitson LTD are happy to serve as your Mossville IL dentists.


Keeping up with your scheduled routine cleanings are an essential part of maintaining top oral and dental health. While they may seem like a hassle, they can save your smile from cavities, tooth decay, and potential tooth loss! A large majority of people have some form of tooth decay and typically don't address it, whether it's because they don't know that they have it or that they would rather ignore it.


Scheduled dental cleanings typically occur twice a year and last in between 30 to 60 minutes. Taking one day out of every six months to have a professional take care of your teeth can help prevent serious issues in the future! They'll be able to examine your teeth and ensure that your teeth are in top shape; early detection of infections and cavities can save you from dental extraction.


To schedule an appointment with Dr. Whitson or Dr. Cunningham, your dentists near Mossville IL, call our office today at (309) 688-7321 for a routine cleaning, exam and x-ray.

Appointment request
Need an appointment with a dentist in Peoria ? Requesting an appointment at our Peoria, IL family and cosmetic dental office is now easier than ever. Fill out the form below and we'll contact you to find a time that fits your schedule. Start your journey towards a beautiful smile with us today!
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