Peoria, IL Dentist Helps Patients Choose a Toothbrush

Picking the right toothbrush is an important step to your dental hygiene. There are so many options available when you walk into the store that it becomes easy to get confused. Here’s a simple buying guide to ensure you get what you need.
Things to Look for in a Toothbrush
Brushing at least twice every day is important to having good teeth. For this to be effective, you must have the right toothbrush. Here are the most important aspects of a toothbrush to look for when you make your next purchase.
Look for a toothbrush that features a small head. This helps it to move easier in the mouth.
Pick a toothbrush with soft bristles; otherwise, you could cause damage to your gums.
Choose a brush that seems comfortable to hold. This helps you to brush your teeth longer.
Special Needs Toothbrushes
There are some people that struggle to control their hand, arm or shoulder movements. That’s why you’ll want to adapt their toothbrush to make it easier.
Take a sponge foam and enlarge the handle.
Use Velcro elastic or strap to attach the brush to the hand.
Lengthening the brush is easy with the help of a rod or stick.
Bend the handle of the toothbrush if necessary.
You could always use an electric toothbrush for those who have trouble with fine movements.
Proper Care of the Your Toothbrush
Once you’ve picked out the toothbrush, follow these simple tips to care for it.
Don’t share your toothbrush with anyone.
Rinse the brush after every use in hot water and then allow it to air-dry.
Don’t store the toothbrush in a closed container.
Keep your toothbrush upright when you aren’t using it.
Replace it every few months or sooner if the bristles become worn.
Using the right toothbrush is an essential part of having good oral hygiene. If you have concerns about what toothbrush you are using, be sure to speak with the dentist for further recommendations. Once you’ve found the perfect toothbrush, make sure you use it at least twice a day to keep your pearly whites sparkling.
Ready to schedule an appointment with a leading Peoria, IL dentist? Call J.S. Whitson Dental today at (309) 688-7321.
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